Understanding the true cost of illness

Impact case study
The Health Economic Impact report analyses in-depth information on quality of life, and the direct and indirect costs of MS. The latest report reveals the number of people living with MS in Australia has increased by 30% over the last four years. The cost of MS has significantly increased over the same period. Individual costs are $73,457 per year, and the total cost for all people living with MS in Australia is $2.5b.
- Read the latest (interim) report Health Economic Impact of Multiple Sclerosis in Australia in 2021
This data is used to underpin crucial advocacy work in this space, including calling on the Australian Government for:
- Greater investment in MS research.
- Regular data collection through the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
- Better access to care including MS Nurses.
- Better understanding of MS and other neurological conditions within the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) via a neurological advisory group.
- Better investment in broader preventative health measures, including healthy weight, tobacco control, nutrition and physical activity, all of which contribute to brain health.