
Australian MS Longitudinal Study for researchers



The Australian MS Longitudinal Study (AMSLS) is a collaborative research platform; a partnership between MS Australia and the Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania.

It is a survey-based research study that has been running since 2001 and now has about 3000 people completing research surveys each year.

The AMSLS research platform is available for researchers, MS state organisations or other stakeholders who can benefit from this resource.


Request data

Have access to ongoing tracking data about MS including:

  • How it affects employment and quality of life
  • Severity of 13 symptoms
  • Influential lifestyle and environmental factors

Run surveys

Have access to about 3000 people living with MS and:

  • Include questions in future AMSLS surveys
  • Run standalone surveys on the AMSLS platform

How to collaborate

For more information on data and survey requests and current AMSLS collaborative projects:

20 years of the AMSLS


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