
My SymptoMS

My SymptoMS webpage


Research tells us that the first step to overcoming symptoms is to understand them. The My SymptoMS app is designed to help people with MS on their way to better symptom management by identifying the factors that influence them.

For example, do long days at work or a hot environment contribute to your fatigue? Does exercise increase or decrease your pain levels?

The easy-to-use app allows daily tracking of the symptoms, lifestyle and environmental factors and medication use and side effects that are most relevant to you. Importantly, My SymptoMS displays the data collected in a single graph so you can see it all at a glance.

By visualising the data, over time you will see patterns to help you identify the lifestyle choices or medications that are benefiting you and those that are making your symptoms worse. You can then make changes accordingly to help improve your quality of life.

Data collected in MySymptoMS can also be linked to InforMS, our digital one-stop-shop for improving your health care and health.

Get the app

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Access the web-app via

Tip: Save the web-app on the home screen of your phone and you will be able to access it in the same way as a downloaded app.

My SymptoMS has been developed by the Menzies Institute for Medical Research together with people with MS.

Funded by

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Funding for this initiative has been provided by IOOF and the Australian Government, Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)