MS Stem

MS Stem is a biobank of human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines, derived from people living with and without multiple sclerosis. The biobank provides researchers with fully characterised iPSC lines from well phenotyped and genotyped individuals. This provides a unique opportunity to research the pathophysiology of MS in human cell models or conduct preclinical screening of putative therapeutics.
- View and download the MS Stem standard operating procedures.
- Review the MS Governance Committee terms of reference (ToR).
How to collaborate
The iPSCs will be made available (cost-recovery basis) to national and international researchers for the purpose of non-commercial research only.
- Review list of available iPSC lines
- Review material transfer agreement (MTA)
- Download and complete your application form
- Email us your application form.
For more information contact us.
MS Stem publications
Funded by

Funding for this initiative has been provided by the Australian government's Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) and the Irene Phelps Charitable Trust.